Our Supporters

For our sponsors, we organise an annual (online) sponsors’ meeting, including presentations about the latest updates in virtual testing and workshops for users of the VIVA+ models.

You can support OVTO and the OpenVT content either as developer/maintainer of content or financially (as Sponsor), through two different tracks with great benefits:

As a Sponsor on either of the two tracks, you are:

  • Helping us to keep the OpenVT platform up and running and to further improve its content,

  • Invited to our yearly (online) sponsors' meeting where the roadmaps of the OVTO content will be discussed,

  • Invited to participate in OVTO’s Member Assembly in an advisory role

  • Listed on our supporter page (if you agree),

  • Getting access to the Zulip channel exclusively for Sponsors, for faster feedback of the devleopers